Rotary Tray Dryer Manufacturer

Rotary Tray Dryer

Tray dryeris Industrial Fabricators top selling and one of the most successful products out of a long list of process equipments. Designed and manufactured in highest quality with utmost precision and whole lot of innovations which makes Industrial Fabricators trays dryer unique and performance which no other tray dryer can provide. Specifically designed to cater numerous industries like pharmaceutical, chemicals, pigments, raisins & plastics, food, metallurgy etc.

Product Introduction & Application:

Tray dryeris an equipment most found in any process industry. The basic role this simple but versatile equipment plays is to carry out moistures from various hygroscopic products. The best part about this system is that it fits into any role you want it to perform, be it removal of moisture from synthetic substances which can withstand high temperatures or easily perishable natural items like herbs, food products like fruits and vegetables. Or you want to dry synthetic items like plastics & raisins, chemicals pigment etc.
Tray dryer is one and only equipment in current scenario which can do any drying job for your industry without investing too much capital in the machinery.However, to make it more dynamic and versatile, Industrial Fabricators trays drying systems, specifically the IFTD seriesmodels are designed& developed to provide a completely new experience both in performance and aesthetics.With thousands of installations in and around India, our trays drying systems have proven its strength in all major industries. The best part of these systems are it can be deployed for any type of product having moisture, and at a very low cost of production it will successfully dry the moisture from your product irrespective of the moisture content in the product.

Design characteristics

Design of Industrial Fabricators Tray’s dryer system is mainly focused on three equipments that is EFFECIENCY, ECONOMY, ECOFRIENDLY. When it comes to design, we proudly claim to have best engineered trays drying systems which not just performs outstandingly but are exceptionally reliable and has upper hand in appearance and workmanship as well. The no maintenance design we offer, gives an opportunity to the buyer to utilize the equipment for harsh and unforgiving applications without any hesitations whatsoever. Our systems are designed to perform 24 X 7 and in all condition.
The best part about it is, that even if a minor breakdown is experienced, any laymen can fix it without even waiting for a technician to visit. This gives the user a boost in confidence when it comes to nonstop performance and operability.
The system consists of moving parts, which are carefully selected and replaced with everlasting components to make it compatible enough to operate seamlessly. The aerodynamic design which enables the system to deliver very high results by generating uninterrupted and uniform hot air which is perfectly directed towards the product. The Aerodynamic design helps in keeping it clean as per international hygiene standards.
Moreover, the system has been to operate on various fuels (Heating media) like electricity, steam, thermic fluid, hot water, hot air generation systems (Direct + Indirect), Heat Pump, Solar Thermal or even Geothermal sources. Drying of sensitive materials that can be damaged due to high temperature or products which are highly hygroscopic in nature can be dried flawlessly in Industrial Fabricators make Trays Drying System.
The systemCan be supplied with various optional items like Industrial Fabricators Make Direct or Indirect Hot Air Generations Systems (Operating on various Solid/Liquid fuels or LPG/CNG/PNG etc.) (LINK OF IFHAG to be given), Heat Pump system etc.
IFHWG & IFHOG systems offered by Industrial Fabricators can also be coupled along with the system as heating media. IFHWG and IFHOG are uniquely designed utilities to generate hot water or thermic fluid oil which can be circulated through the Heat Exchangerwith minutely designed control system for precise and accurate and extremely economic operations.(Link of IFHOG & IFHWG to be given) With various mechanical features and advanced systems, Industrial Fabricators Fluid Bed Dryers comes with futuristic and promising electro-mechanical systems including advanced PLC based systems which can make advanced operation which completely irradicates human errors and process complexities. This feature not just helps in achieving high performances, but it helps in integration of the system with the entire plant which results in a integrated platform serving excellent product quality, process records and marginalize human errors in entire process.

Special Features
  • Mono block and hybrid design helps in achieving up to 40% Higher Performance and Efficiency.
  • Eco friendly. Highly efficient, which results in low carbon footprint.
  • Aerodynamic Design helps in achieving maximum performance.
  • Zero Maintenance design enables our systems to operate uninterruptedly for years to come.
  • Easy Clean Technology, Hygienic Operations. Our uniquely designed system ensures maximum hygiene and safe operation. No sharp corners, no rough edges, no corners whatsoever.
  • Compatible with latest low emission flues/heating media.
  • Complete customization available for various processes like Stabilization.
Why Us:

Through our constant innovation and practice of research in design, we deliver highly precise equipments that achieve efficientprocessing of materialswith uniformity along with reliability.
Industrial Fabricators is one of a leading and a trusted manufacturer of various drying, heating baking, and processing equipments for various industries for over three decades. More than the manufacturing skills, our uncompromised after sales service and overall support is the key to our success.